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1/17/2025 12:28 PM  LA5CIA

1/17/2025 12:22 PM  W8TMB
hitting FT8 on 15m

1/17/2025 12:19 PM  M7RJL
You have worked Balearic Islands. Just reached 53 countries!

1/17/2025 12:18 PM  PA3BZY
You have worked St. Helena. Just reached 142 countries!

1/17/2025 12:14 PM  IK0NWF
You have worked Qatar. Just reached 68 countries!

1/17/2025 12:09 PM  ON3LMA

1/17/2025 11:55 AM  DH2YBG

1/17/2025 11:55 AM  DO7ULI
You have worked Zambia. Just reached 166 countries!

1/17/2025 11:48 AM  6K2ILX
You have worked Marquesas Islands. Just reached 204 countries!

1/17/2025 11:37 AM  WB5E

1/17/2025 11:30 AM  g3ypp

1/17/2025 11:28 AM  BD8ENU
You have worked Asiatic Turkey. Just reached 96 countries!

1/17/2025 11:27 AM  oe6jve

1/17/2025 11:25 AM  N8ZI
Chasing DX

1/17/2025 11:17 AM  LA5CIA

1/17/2025 11:07 AM  DB2HA

1/17/2025 11:01 AM  SP9AWP
You have worked Bolivia. Just reached 142 countries!

1/17/2025 11:00 AM  DA6JH
You have worked Armenia. Just reached 126 countries!

1/17/2025 10:59 AM  LB0QJ
You have worked Qatar. Just reached 106 countries!

1/17/2025 10:58 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to DN9MAU

1/17/2025 10:56 AM  ON3LMA

1/17/2025 10:54 AM  oh6tx

1/17/2025 10:49 AM  CD6SNT
You have worked Marquesas Islands. Just reached 218 countries!

1/17/2025 10:45 AM  DH2ID
Searching for DX

1/17/2025 10:39 AM  BG2BRQ
You have worked Azerbaijan. Just reached 93 countries!

1/17/2025 10:38 AM  W8TMB
hitting FT8 on 15m

1/17/2025 10:36 AM  DH2YBG

1/17/2025 10:28 AM  IW2MYH
You have worked Republic of Korea. Just reached 90 countries!

1/17/2025 10:27 AM  oe6jve

1/17/2025 10:21 AM  WB5E

1/17/2025 10:21 AM  SP9DFV
You have worked Finland. Just reached 113 countries!

1/17/2025 10:19 AM  N8ZI
Chasing DX

1/17/2025 10:18 AM  g3ypp

1/17/2025 10:16 AM  LA5CIA

1/17/2025 10:16 AM  SV1PBC
You have worked Maldives. Just reached 167 countries!

1/17/2025 10:15 AM  F4LTX
You have worked Azores. Just reached 110 countries!

1/17/2025 10:14 AM  IN3IZQ
You have worked Republic of Korea. Just reached 186 countries!

1/17/2025 10:12 AM  IW2EGM
You have worked Kyrgyzstan. Just reached 171 countries!

1/17/2025 10:09 AM  IW2MYH
You have worked Mauritius. Just reached 89 countries!

1/17/2025 10:08 AM  IW0FGX
You have worked Jordan. Just reached 61 countries!

1/17/2025 10:05 AM  IK1HJQ
You have worked Bangladesh. Just reached 281 countries!

1/17/2025 10:02 AM  IW2MYH
You have worked United Arab Emirates. Just reached 88 countries!

1/17/2025 9:57 AM  SQ9ZAY
You have worked Mariana Islands. Just reached 223 countries!

1/17/2025 9:56 AM  PU7RML
You have worked Azerbaijan. Just reached 129 countries!

1/17/2025 9:33 AM  DB2HA

1/17/2025 9:27 AM  BI6OIZ
You have worked Madeira Islands. Just reached 103 countries!

1/17/2025 9:25 AM  ON3LMA

1/17/2025 9:18 AM  WB5E

1/17/2025 9:18 AM  g3ypp

1/17/2025 9:17 AM  oe6jve

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